
Below is a short showreel of a 10 week project; in which I was responsible for the full implementation which I will describe below; however the part I most want to draw attention to is the 3D modelling, and shader art.

As stated all models in the game are of my own design, taking inspiration from a dieselpunk aesthetic, the hero model in my opinion is the mech best seen at 1:27 in the video.

The shader art was heavily inspired by other creators online who made Cel Shading that responded to dynamic light, as well as an artist who implemented cross hatching like famous comic artist Moebius. I combined their two techniques into each other and altered to fit the style, to create the look that I am extremely satisfied with. This combined with customised shaders for the clouds, which I attempted to follow the compositional cloud shapes often used by concept artists, the water which was based on the same principle, and creating a transparent shader that was compatible with the previously stated cel shading effect created a look that I am very proud of.

Considerations for future include modifying the Sobel Filter used for the outlines as they can appear very jagged at times, and I would like for them to ignore the crosshatching layer for other effects in the future. I would also like to have different lighting scenarios and conditions as the effect looked great recreating a grungier middle of the night look like Frank Miller's art with just some setting changes. I would also have liked to be able to animate the characters and mech; but given the time frame I knew that wouldn't of been possible.

Being an artist I know that the following are definitely outside of my scope for the project and my current experise as it is, but perhaps I can revisit it someday to get the following wishlist up and running. Better AI, properly implemented sound design, more levels, change from day to night at a key point of the level, actual playtesting and balance, UI feedback systems.